Resources for Families
Backpack Program: Families in need can receive a backpack filled with food on Friday for their student to take home, on a rotating basis. The empty backpacks will be returned to school Mondays, to be refilled for the next weekend. This program is funded by Niles Family Services.
Village of Niles Family Services also offers a variety of services including counseling, food pantry, financial wellness, senior support, and crisis support if you should find yourself in need of these services.
If you have any questions regarding the program, please do not hesitate to contact Niles Family Services at (847) 588-8460 or contact the social work team.
Adult Self-Care:
- Flexibility in the Midst of Crisis (via Psychology Today/Dr. Gil Noam)
- Managing Anxiety Around COVID-19: Tips for You and Your School Community (via Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence/RULER)
- Regulating Emotions in a COVID-19 World (via Tom Hollenstein)
- Virus Anxiety Resources
Call4Calm- Illinois Department of Human Services Free and Anonymous Support Line
Individuals who want to speak with a mental health professional can text the word “TALK” or “HABLAR” (for Spanish speakers) to 552-020. Within 24 hours, that individual will receive a call from a mental health professional employed by a local community health center. People can also text other terms, like “unemployment” or “food” or “shelter” to the same number to receive information on how to navigate and access supports and services.