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A Message from Principal Roberts


To Our Gemini Families:

I am pleased to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year at Gemini Middle School. Gemini is a community of curious, vibrant, and culturally diverse adolescents.

Gemini is a school where ALL CHILDREN are welcome. We recognize that being a teenager is fun, weird, empowering, scary, and presents many challenges. All Gemini staff members are here to support your children as they navigate through this transition.

At Gemini, we believe in an academically excellent learning environment, socially equitable and responsive to the social and emotional needs and interests of the adolescents we serve. We create this learning environment through a student-centered approach that is developmentally responsive, challenging, empowering, and equitable. We genuinely believe we can create a school where children will experience success without boundaries in all areas of their young lives.

We also acknowledge that parenting a teenager can present its own challenges. We know that many challenges impacting our students today stem from sources outside of school, such as social media. Please know that we are here to partner with you to ensure your child has a positive, safe, and memorable middle school experience. We look forward to the partnerships we forge with our parents and our community neighbors, and I encourage all parents to find some way to be involved in their child's education. Our Gemini PTO is a good option: it's a great way to provide your input into school decisions while supporting our students and staff members through various events. Taking a few moments each day to talk to your child about school and what is going on in their lives is also a great way to stay involved.

I look forward to learning alongside our students, families, and staff this school year. Please do not ever hesitate to reach out if I can ever be of assistance. You can call our school office or email me directly at  

Your Partner in Learning, 

Lewis Roberts

About Principal Roberts

Principal at Gemini since 2018, Mr. Roberts was Principal of Mark Twain School from 2016-2018. He joined District 63 as Apollo's Assistant Principal in 2015, having previously served as Assistant Principal at Ombudsman Chicago South, part of the Chicago Public Schools Option Schools Program. Principal Roberts began his career in Florida as a social studies/reading teacher at AMIkids Orlando, a nonprofit that offers alternative education to youth with challenges.

Other past positions include lead K-8 teacher at Passport Charter School, where he was 2010-2011 Teacher of the Year, and academic coach at Shingle Creek Elementary School -- both in Orlando.

Principal Roberts earned a BA in political science from the University of Central Florida and graduated with distinction from Capella University in Minneapolis with an MS in education. A Florida Department of Education Merit Award Recipient in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, he is a member of the Illinois Principals Association, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, National Association of Elementary School Principals, and the Association for Middle-Level Education.